Thursday, April 18, 2013

Just like the old days...

And then this happened...

David was seen wearing a new tie for the 50th Anniversary DW special.


Alright, don't panic. Apparently they have already sold out. There is a darker version still available, which I just ordered now. Too exciting for words.

You see, not only is this probably not a Louise-Page pick, but it is also the tie that will forever be known in history as the tie that the 10th Doctor wore when he returned to the series for the 50th Anniversary.

Big news indeed.

Sadly, my order was cancelled within minutes of this post.
I sent back an inquiry to see what was the matter, but it looks like their inventory has dried up.
We'll have to wait.
At the same time, I don't want to over pay for this tie, so, like other have suggested, don't get suckered into paying more on eBay than is reasonable.

The older ties are far more rare and out of production. I can justify spending more on a Sound of Drums Duffer (featured in 3 episodes) than on a single tie that is about $40 CAD.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I'm curious to know how you went about bringing Tennant Style into your wardrobe, shoot me an email when you get a chance.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh, thank you!
    Hard to blog when there hasn't been a lot going on in the DW fashion universe.

    Wait, what? You've used my blog to augment your own style?! That's fantastic! That's the most I could hope for someone to get from my ramblings here.

    I will stay awesome!

    Yes, I follow the RPF quite closely. I'll be reviewing as soon as the Ricci tie becomes available.
    Since I've sold my Blue Suit, I won't be able to wear it just yet...

  3. Just to say I have a spare, if your interested in completing your collection :)

  4. Oh wow really? That would be terrific. Shoot me an email to discuss!
